
Alors, où en est-on ?

Comme on dit chez moi, pas de nouvelles, bonnes nouvelles !
Je viens de rentrer de mon petit-grand voyage (c'est selon) en terminant par New-York la semaine dernière, enfin un peu de repos ! En ce moment, j'ai l'impression de faire une course à tous les niveaux entre vie personnelle, professionnelle ( changement de boulot en cours dès le lendemain de mon retour de New-York, pas le temps de souffler ! ).

Enfin bon, je raconte ma vie, et vous, ce qui vous intéresse, ce n'est pas ce que j'en fait actuellement, ou plutôt une petite partie de celle-ci qui se résume par : StGE. :D
Alors concernant ce projet, je n'ai nulle intention de l'abandonner pour le moment, la petite pause dans les nouvelles étant plutôt due à un grand voyage loin de tout ordinateur. Pour le moment, je dois d'abord me dépêcher de tout virer de mon poste de travail avant que mon ordinateur au bureau me soit enlevé avant mon changement de job.
Je pense de plus en plus néanmoins à former une équipe de dév. , étant bien conscient que le résultat en cette bientôt fin d'année est encore bien trop loin de celui que j'espérai en commençant StGE.
En gros, la reprise sur le projet va être difficile, mais réalisable :D

21 commentaires:

  1. Goggle translate helped to understand this a bit. I lost all the hype and interest in this project few months ago. Its like "many want to make their own server but can't and those few who can like to fuck around with people until they had enough and close their attention whore project". I decided for myself that gaming and especially mmo are extremely time consuming and not so fun as they are addictive.

  2. Ravi de voir que t'as pas lâché l'affaire :) Kiro, M0gwai et moi te suivons toujours.

  3. Anonymous :
    Quite the same here, as I lost interest in this game few weeks ago. My lv 43 family is currently inactive due to the reasons above, and i dont feel like playing this game anymore. But as mentioned earlier, i wont leave this project alone in its state, as it would be a terrible personal fail. This project, as stated, will go in a enough-running state to be left to the community, with enough security that it wont harm official publishers. It is built already with a scripting side that lets community change, or even create new scripts and/or files so that they wont have to edit the main executables. By this, it means that you can change some game aspects ( some drop lists (especially bosses and/or special drops), edit quests or even add some). All you need to know, is LUA scripting language.
    As an other side, let me tell you that i dont need this project to play an 'attention whore' game with the community, as you tell it. Many of you requested at a specific point of the dev. that i bring you proofs of the project being real, which i did after time because people dont trust easily (which i do not denounce as i am a little bit like this too). This blog was meant at first to trace the different steps of the project, nothing else.


  5. SO glad to see that this project isn't dead! The possibility of changing drop lists and creating our own quests is really exciting.

    I think some people become skeptical and impatient because so many projects like this come and go and we all *really* want this one to succeed. MMO's, unfortunately, do not last forever - the ONLY way for the game to survive is for a private server to be developed. Eventually all the official servers will shut down and after that, the game will no longer exist unless the community does something about it. Just look at cGE; even though it was more popular than the US version, it still shut down.

    I no longer play on the official servers because it costs far too much money to play; it's more like paying a bill than playing a game! So I am greatly looking forward to the day this project is released because I long to play my favorite game and not have to worry about losing $60 if I have bad luck upgrading some items.

    Looking forward to future updates, and best of luck to you! : )

  6. I'm glad to see you back

  7. Good to see you are still steady on finishing the project. Once its done what are you going to do? release everything on ragezone like most do? Or host it for beta testing purposes to work on optimizations for a better more stable server for future releasing? Also if you release it will it be open source so others like yourself may work off your project and continue it like for example the "Aion Unique" community (which is now aion lighting)

    Sorry about all the random questions just wondering since you seem closer and closer each day and such

  8. pls release the project :)

  9. wow official 5.0 just now...wait u we donno when u wan release this project...when they ask,answer(bug bug bug)...

  10. Portugues - -
    Stracci eu posso dar uma pequena contribuição, pelo que eu vi o Desenvolvimento está se dando na plataforma de programação C, Certo ?
    Enfim, estou disposto a ajuda-lo com o poco que sei, estou fazendo o curso superior de Sistemas da Informação e estou querendo ajudar-lo estou aprendendo a programar em C, estou lendo livros e diversas aulas se possivel fale comigo por email até sua resposta.
    Também sou um grande viciado no SNW(GE GameFirst).


    Stracci Je peux vous donner une petite contribution, de ce que j'ai vu le développement se déroule dans la plate-forme de programmation C, non?
    Quoi qu'il en soit, je suis prêt à lui venir en aide avec le bien que je sais que je fais le diplôme en Systèmes d'Information et je suis prête à vous aider, je suis d'apprendre à programmer en C, je lis plusieurs livres et de conférences, si possible, faites le moi savoir par e-mail à votre la réponse.
    Je suis aussi un accro grande SNW (GE GameFirst).

    my email: jullianjesse@live.com

  11. hi there... I want to be in your team DEVs... and the thing that get my attention is how to edit the item price in Cash Shop into a Vis...

    also how to put those high-end equipments ie weapons, armors into NPC shops...

    i try to open the .ies files in Visual Studio 2010, but it seems it doesn't work.. it gives me a some kind of symbols and letters which I do not understand... please help me in this...


    what shall I do in order to be one of your DEV TEAM?

  12. Même question, nationaux je peux rejoindre l'équipe de DEV ?

  13. You are a savior if you manage to get this server up online. Granado Espada and Rohan Online. 2 games I love the most and this just increased my hopes for the GE Private Server.

    More power to you man and I hope this would be your Christmas gift to all of us waiting for this to happen. And also... English pl0x xD

  14. Over two months and no update... hoping you're still alive and working on this project in your spare time.

    Happy Holidays! :)

  15. can you share the source? maybe we can help :)

  16. Yeah that would be much faster ^^

  17. Faster than plving to master in SEA GE..hahahahah

  18. when can play this server?
