
LoginServer, de nouveau fonctionnel.

Comme annoncé la semaine dernière, le développement a repris, avec un LoginServer de nouveau fonctionnel après les nombreux changements apportés depuis, et après la 4.1. Les développeurs sur ce jeu ont une sale habitude de changer des IDs de paquets entre les mises à jour, ce qui complique quelque peu le boulot. En général, c'est du +1 sur les paquets, mais pas tous, il faut donc rechercher à chaque mise à jour quels paquets ont été modifiés. Si tout n'est pas correct, le client cesse de répondre et il faut tout redémarrer.

J'espère pouvoir mettre en place un beta-test du LoginServer uniquement ce week-end ou courant de semaine prochaine afin de vérifier plusieurs points (connexions multiples entre autre, vérifications des données écrites dans les XMLs.) Comme promis à certains d'entre vous, ceux qui suivent régulièrement l'évolution StGE se verront donner un accès. J'espère en échange avoir un compte rendu détaillé des bugs qui surviendront.
Plus d'informations à venir prochainement.

69 commentaires:

  1. Always great to see continue progress in this project. Kudos to you.

  2. Excellent ! Vivement !

    Questions : Est-ce qu'on aura d'hors et déjà un aperçu des sources ? Et est-ce qu'il y aura une modif' importante du client à faire pour la Beta ?

    Hang on !

  3. Great! I am really grateful to you for steadily making my dream come true.

  4. Excellent work! Looking forward to more ^^

  5. Youpi, les affaires reprennent ! xD

    Pour ma part j'ai trouvé ce qui déconnait pour mes trads, c'est bien la police qui ne prend pas les accents.

  6. Absolutely wonderful news! Thanks for all your hard work : )

  7. Mr. Stracciatella,
    first I thank you for the wonderful job you did. My question is if the new boxes,which were released today, will be in your server. I hope they are,because I really like the new costumes.

  8. I already have all functions needed for Bellem Boxes and other random boxes, so it wont be hard to implement the new boxes using same kind of formulas ;)

  9. Super, bon courage =] ! T'as tout le soutien de trois ariègeois =P !

  10. Excellent work!
    Looking forward in playing StraccyGE (hopefully) :D

  11. hi... I am looking forward to play STge... I hope it will be finished soon.... I'm so excited :)

  12. when will be the server launched?? we are so excited :) Handcuff family Vivaldi server

  13. please post some developments with regards to the server please.... thanks :)

  14. hi, pls translate the message in English (if possible only) btw, pls post here when will it be out thanks!, im so excited KeitaroKyoshi of Rembrandt - :0

  15. Most important things was that LoginServer was yet functionnal again for 4.1, and that i was planning "SOON" a LoginServer beta-test to check several things. This means no GS yet, but checking of Account-Family-Characters creation.
    Did not have many time to concentrate on this, thats why it is now followed by "soon". (I have to check if the LS which i developed on a XPx86 will start successfully on a Sevenx64 first.)

  16. many of us are so happy with the developments with regards to your project... we hope to play in your server... more power... Automation family

  17. Bonjour Stracciatella, je suis totalement ébahit par votre projet que j'ai pu lire de A à Z. J'ai joué à la toute première version, en closed USA version Sword of the new world, avant qu'ils ne retirent le "bottingATK" qui, à cause de ça, avaient perdu beaucoup de joueurs dont moi.Depuis ils ont mis la version suivante Sonata et ensuite d'autres que je n'ai pas eu l'occasion de découvrir...ceci dit bon courrage sur votre projet que vous tenez à coeur, moi fanatique de ce jeu qui m'a tant inspiré, je vous souhaite une bonne continuation et vivement la finalisation !!!!
    Cordialement Max54

  18. using client v4.5 ?

    SEA GE had it now :<

  19. Keep up the impressive work!!
    cant wait to try out when its out. =)

  20. please post some updates with regards to the progress of the server... togz ka diha....

  21. is the project still alive?

  22. Yes it is, but you'll hate me when i'll tell you that i'm late only because i am too lazy atm to transfert the project from office ( where the dev began) to home (where the project will be hosted for beta XD)

  23. when will it be available for beta... many are waiting :D

  24. lol so is it now tranferted? :p

  25. lets us play it dude.. :)

  26. J'ai enfin pris le temps de transférer le projet entre les deux bureaux.. Oui, des fois je manque de motivation pour des choses pourtant faciles ;)
    Comme d'habitude, des nouvelles bientôt.

  27. btw which client u use?
    STW or Ge ?

  28. thank you:) I think, he uses the sword 2 client ( look at older post. There he mentioned something about the sword 2 client). Please reminder, that he is doing it for free, so please don't put pressure on him.Let him take his time

  29. OMG 5gb file..btw thx bro :-)

  30. Thank you Stracciatella! : )

  31. where can we download it? we are so excited :)

  32. Based on sword`s 2 twitter the mystery boxes will be removed in the next maintenance. Please hurry up, I want those Premium UPCs. Anyways you did a very good job!

  33. Dont worry its a pravate server they will be drop by mobs or set up to be obtain from something.

  34. been waiting on this for so long! very good work! :)

  35. Haven't been here for a year (since 11/2009), I can't believe how much improvement have been gone through. You would deserve some paypal donation once you started open beta ( / opening the flood gates)

    Just checking out your old post from the beginning, it seems all you have learnt from years in decrypting mmo hobbys was very useful. Also I am particularly enjoying your post explaining the software mechanic and login server keeping this blog *almost strictly technical and practical. Something you will never learn in TAFE/ university course.

    I stopped playing a few years ago, hated the lack of storyline/lore Kim hakku put into it. Don't get me wrong he made a great world theme, great grinding system (minus the cash shop), exciting music like Ys, by JDK (under falcom) I am still listening to it, best unique character design but what frustrated me there is just no strong storyline at all. (maybe that the issue of all MMO, we have well hacked private ragnarok server for ages probably the orginal script was incomplete (kim hakku left half way, so there is no game changing customisation)

    I was wondering at the current stage how hard it is the customize /make a scenario campaign, like old school bladurs gate, NWN, dragon age,also a proper guild vs system. I love the player made mod by bioware.

    Sorry about my /rant but hey I did not come for a year ;)

  36. update please.... cant wait to play this server

  37. Posting from an iPad From an Apple Store in Munchen Germany. Holliday Time right Now, News later Next Week.

  38. Nice to hear. Enjoy your holiday. Check out the beer there xD

  39. hope you would complete it... i have been waiting for so long...

  40. Cmon give us a update. The "next week" will be gone soon :p.

  41. awkward balloon!!!!!!

  42. I would be more than happy to help you in any way possible I've played this game to the end and its amazing to play in your private server.



  43. hmm more than 2 weeks have passed...

  44. Talvez ele tenha morrido... talvez ele tenha sido despedido... talvez ele se casou... talvez? talvez? (PT-BR)

  45. update please????????????????????????

  46. don't need to waiting,
    coz i think this blog just only wan for publicity...
    just waste the ur time...
    better playing officer...
    noob owner~!!!!!

  47. Brunão is completely right. You guys shouldn't complain on him. Keep in mind that he is doing this for free.

  48. However, IF he has some new updates why don't he post them ;x?
    That would be nice.

  49. Because he doesn't always have time to do so :) He's got a work, and he's working alone on this project.

  50. Stracciatella du très bon travail que vous développez des félicitations, mais je me demandais quand ils vont au bêta-test ou de vous rendre les fichiers disponibles à partir de nos propres tests? *--* , Sincèrement Fan!

    By: João Pedro!

  51. si vous besoin de testeurs, je suis à votre disposition, bon travail

    by: samuel lessa

  52. I must say i've been following this blog for awhile and I am very very impressed with your work. You've done a lot in so little time. Personally when you get it running hope you wouldn't mind a small donation as a token of my thanks (that and it would help fund your future server right?!) for your hard work ofcourse lol

  53. so all in all.. after a 3 years of waiting.. its now Sept 19 2011.. is there still a Granado Espada Private Server? plz if u got leads about it, message me at ex_loss_harmon14@yahoo.com
