
4.1 US

Dorénavant, j'inclurai de temps en temps des données concernant la version US 4.1 actuelle à titre d'information. Ca prend pas beaucoup de temps à rassembler et ça peut aider du monde, alors pourquoi pas.
Format du tableau : Quantité / Item / Rate ( Du plus rare (5) au plus fréquent (30))
Treasure Chest Random :
Remarquez l'absence de Symbol of Virgo et de Symbol of Cancer, aucune idée de la raison pour l'instant.

Parmi les drops recensés un peu partout ailleurs sur internet pour la nouvelle zone payante "Sedecram Dungeon of the Heaven Shelter", il y manque en particulier :
Heaven Bacchanalia, Heaven Acorchado, Heaven Ghoul Spirit, Heaven Myconid, Heaven Red Elemental : Rough-Stone (1/10000)
Heavenly Vespanolla Soldier : Rough-Stone (1/5000)

Et ce que l'on ne trouve nulle part, ce sont les drops des boss et raid boss dont je vais commencer à récupérer les informations. Voici par exemple, le boss du même nouveau donjon, Heaven Giant Keeper.

Heaven Giant Keeper :
GROUPE 1 : 50% chance (Seulement 1 seul de ce groupe)
Symbol of Pisces
Symbol of Aries
Symbol of Taurus
Symbol of Gemini
Symbol of Cancer
Symbol of Leo
Symbol of Virgo
Symbol of Libra
Symbol of Scorpio
Symbol of Sagittarius
Symbol of Capricorn
Symbol of Aquarius 
GROUPE 2 : 100% chance (Seulement 1 seul de ce groupe)
Chevalier Greaves
Mystic shoes
Tracking boots
Assassin boots
Chevalier Gauntlets
Mystic Gloves
Aiming Gloves
Assassin Gloves 
GROUPE 3 : 2.5% chance (Seulement 1 seul de ce groupe)
Recipe - Elite Piernoente
Recipe - Elite Inviardeco
Recipe - Elite Camarylis
Recipe - Elite Calienalbino
Recipe - Elite Geniaruleano
Recipe - Dragon Heart
Recipe - Archangel's Heart
Recipe - Seeds of Rafflesia
Recipe - Siren's Scale
GROUPE 4 : 5% chance (Seulement 1 seul de ce groupe)
Recipe - Enhanced Physical Resistance Necklace
Recipe - Enhanced Shooting Resistance Necklace
Recipe - Enhanced Flame Resistance Necklace
Recipe - Enhanced Ice Resistance Necklace
Recipe - Enhanced Lightning Resistance Necklace
Recipe - Enhanced Mental Resistance Necklace
Recipe - Leather Belt
Recipe - Metal Belt 
GROUPE 5 : 2% chance (Seulement 1 seul de ce groupe)
Recipe - Le Noir for Fighter
Recipe - Le Noir for Scout
Recipe - Le Noir for Musketeer
Recipe - Le Noir for Wizard
Recipe - Le Noir for Elementalist
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar
Pure Gold Bar 
GROUPE 6 : 5% chance (Seulement 1 seul de ce groupe)
The Grim-wraith
Vampiric Edge
Daemon Slayer
Daemon Sword
Gigantic Poleaxe
Assassin Dagger
Sword Breaker
Carbon Gaiters
Desert Storm
The Black Dragon
Conqueror Shotgun
Conqueror Cannon
The Grim-shout
The Rod of Armageddon
Elite Moonstone Rod
Elite Staff of Gnosis
Elite Behemoth Bracelet
Bracelet of Leviathan
Bracelet of Ziz
Bracelet of the Great Soul 
GROUPE 7 : 50% Chance (Seulement 1 seul de ce groupe)
The Grim-wraith
Vampiric Edge
Daemon Slayer
Daemon Sword
Gigantic Poleaxe
Assassin Dagger
Sword Breaker
Carbon Gaiters
Desert Storm
The Black Dragon
Conqueror Shotgun
Conqueror Cannon
The Grim-shout
The Rod of Armageddon
Elite Moonstone Rod
Elite Staff of Gnosis
Elite Behemoth Bracelet
Bracelet of Leviathan
Bracelet of Ziz
Bracelet of the Great Soul 
GROUPE 8 : 100% Chance
Enchant Chip Lv 96 *3

Explications :
Les serveurs Granado Espada officiels utilisent un système de drops parfois bien particulier. On peut le voir sur cet exemple bien précis :
Les drops se décomposent en 8 groupes distincts, chacun d'entre eux étant géré avec un nombre aléatoire différent. Dans le meilleur des cas pour les plus chanceux vous aurez donc 8 drops.
Exemple avec le groupe 5 : 2 % de chance d'avoir 1 objet de ce groupe, mais à l'intérieur du groupe, vous avez beaucoup plus de chance de recevoir un Pure Gold Bar qu'un Recipe - Le Noir étant donné le nombre de Pure Gold Bars dans ce groupe.
Les groupes 6 et 7  sont identiques, seul le pourcentage est différent, ce qui signifie que vous pouvez avec de la "chance" avoir 2 armes 30AR.
Ce listing ne concerne que les drops "scriptés" coté serveur (ceux qui ne sont pas influencés par les levels, Drop Manuals et autres). A coté de ça il reste également d'autres drops de moindre importance, ceux généralement listés sur les autres sites, tels qu'ici

Notez bien que toutes ces infos me servent également pour l'implémentation de la version 4.1 StGE.

23 commentaires:

  1. It's nice to see you update your project's homepage more often. Would you be so kind to answer a few questions i have about it, though? What are the rates gonna be like? Will you have both PK and non-PK servers? Will you make gold and premium items free? Some of these were probably asked and answered already, so if an answer exists already, please direct me to it.

    I look forward to hearing from you.
    Good luck!

  2. For the rates, i have absolutely no idea yet. I'd like the server to be as close as possible as official servers. I've allways hate connecting to a private server and notice that it was so different from what i could knew before. However, it should be tweakable, because as i say, it's good to have the option, even if i dont use it.
    Im going for a PK server only ATM. This is already hard to get a way to load ALL GameServers on 1 physical computer, so getting 2 different kind of servers would require too much work.
    Gold and Premium items free. LOL. Of course they will be. This server was only meant to bring fun on both sides, you and me. There's tons more valuable ways to get money than developing a poor and crappy server that could crash every minute because of a crap coding somewhere. Plus, i dont wanna steal money from official owners, they need it to get official servers running, get updates, support, for your pleasure, and mine.

  3. Great, thanks for replying. This looks just like what i've been wanting! Looking forward to it even more now.

  4. Fantastic work, Stracciatella! Thank you so much for updating and answering questions. Can't wait to play stGE : )

  5. Keep up the good work,anyways can i ahve your mail?

  6. well done!Any ETA on the server? No need to rush, I only would like to know when to expect it. I know, it takes time to set up a project (especially such a big one). Thank you:)

  7. Mr Stracciatella

    Is it so exciting on knowing this project. May i know if it is done as a private server does it mean i can play on my computer without connecting to the internet?

    Sorry i am new to this.

  8. afff GE SG is 4.5 on 24 June..
    new stance!!! :(

  9. Really sorry about this, no idea about a release yet. Im willing to wait for a Retail Box to be released to finalize the server version.
    Because of all the patching that is occuring on Sword2, many users wouldnt get the good client version to start playing on a private server. Announcing to everyone : "Hey, the good client version is the retail box version" would be easier.
    Just wish me luck to get a hand on one of those retail boxes when it comes out.

    Yes, with a private server you can play offline (understand : on a local network or on a single computer if it's strong enough). The server can be set (in the options menu) to listen incoming connections on any network interface, from internet (set it as being your public address), or local (on localhost)

  10. thanks for info
    btw are times of events(like Poison Yard,Team Arena or Secret Temple) editable in the server files or do you have to patch the game files?

  11. Stracc

    I'm pretty sure there will be more retail boxes now after there latest news and I'm sure someone will be able to make an ISO Copy/Rip of the disk when it comes out for you.

  12. So glad to hear from you Stracciatella! I'm sad to hear that you won't be releasing until the retail box comes out, though, since that's so many months away. To the best of my knowledge, the retail box will be version 4.5 and will be released in fall/winter. I think that when Sword 2 officially launches with 4.1 in the next few weeks, they will update the client download on the website to match 4.1 and you could use that version until the retail box is released, or just stick with 4.1. Just a suggestion, though, and I may be misinformed. Keep up the amazing work and best of luck to you : )

  13. Something i did not mention, is that i had to set my own patching server to start working on the server dev. otherwise my test client would have been updated every week with official patches. As i do not will to update server every week once it'll be released, i'll stick with the retail box version. I did not test yet, but im pretty sure that someone who would patch the game with official patching server before connecting to the private server would get an error (version mismatch) because of its version being too high.
    It means that people could either buy the retail box, or patch the current version with my patching server (atm 100Mb DL/UL Optical Fiber at home, that shouldnt be a problem). Then, no bad luck of ninja patching via official servers.
    I hope that clears things enough ;)

  14. Stracc if you write down the patch number which is in one of the text files which you are using, hex edit the EXE to make it so it will download the "latest" number in a different file and it will use the old unedited file to update.

  15. No game client modifications, that's the rules ;)

  16. Your work on the server is very interesting. Hope to see more updates. By the way, the reason why Virgo and Cancer are not in v4.1 Premium Treasure Chest is because Prelude and Bloody Fest are not available yet. The symbols in PTC are always the ones needed for expert stances.

  17. Let's hope that the new cash shop boxes(Mystery Box, Idge's Chest and Andre's Wardrobe) are included in the retail client....

  18. i like those new boxes :O exspecially those prem upcs... i want those with the release ;) ^^ would be great to get them with release <3

  19. Dis, est-ce que tu serais en mesure de me mettre sur une piste ?

    Je suis en train de bosser sur un patch FR basé sur la v4.1 de Sword 2 (je vais pas te demander de trucs concernant la modification du client, je me suis débrouillé pour trouver les outils et j'ai ce qu'il me faut).

    J'ai fait un premier essai en traduisant le contenu du fichier updater.config.xml (les textes du launcher en gros), mais les accents n'apparaissent pas (même si j'ajoute au XML un argument charset="Jeu_de_caractères").

    Du coup, ma question est : Est-ce qu'il y a dans l'exécutable ou dans le fichier flash du launcher un bout de code relatif aux jeux de caractères utilisés ?

    Merci d'avance pour ton aide.

  20. Je peux me tromper mais il me semble que la font utilisée ne contient tout simplement pas les charactères accentués.

  21. Effectivement, je viens de voir que quand j'ouvre le fichier ttf qui contient la police ingame, les accents dans les phrases de test n'ont pas la même forme.

    La où ça me chiffonne, c'est que ce n'est pas cette police qui semble être utilisée pour le launcher.

  22. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.
